Best Career Option for Arts Students After Matric/O Level in Pakistan Jobs Study Options and Short Courses

 Are you want to know about Best Career Option for Arts Students After Matric? If so, then you have reached the right place because you will fulfill your need in this regard. The matric examination holds immense significance in a student’s educational journey as it serves as a gateway to a plethora of higher education prospects and career pathways. So there are so many Best Career Option for Arts Students After Matric. Matriculation, commonly referred to as matric, represents the pivotal examination taken by students in Pakistan upon completing their 9th and 10th grades.

Following matric, students have two primary streams of study to choose from: science and arts. The science stream places greater emphasis on mathematics and scientific subjects, while the arts stream centers around humanities and social sciences. All these subjects come under the category of the Best Career Option for Arts Students After Matric.

Also, Read Career in BS Nursing in Pakistan

Opting for arts after matriculation opens up diverse career opportunities, including:

  1. Education: Graduates with an art background can pursue teaching positions at primary, secondary, or tertiary educational levels.
  2. Media and Communications: Arts graduates can explore various roles within the media and communications industry, such as journalism, public relations, and advertising.
  3. Business: Graduates can find employment in multiple business-related domains, including marketing, finance, and human resources.
  4. Government: Arts graduates can contribute to government organizations in diverse capacities, such as policy analysis, social work, and public relations.

The ideal field to select after matric depends on an individual’s unique interests and skills. If unsure about the desired path, numerous resources are available to aid in decision-making. Seeking advice from teachers, counselors, and family members can provide valuable insights. Additionally, conducting online research or referring to books can help explore different career options.

Regardless of the chosen field, matriculation marks a significant milestone in both education and career development. By dedicating oneself to hard work and capitalizing on the available opportunities, one can aspire to achieve personal goals and forge a prosperous future.

After completing matriculation, art students may perceive their options as somewhat limited. However, they must make astute use of the available opportunities. Guidance from seniors becomes paramount in this aspect. Regrettably, numerous students make the mistake of selecting inappropriate subjects in their pursuit of admission to their preferred college or institution.

How to Choose a Career After Matric?

Choosing what to study after completing matriculation can be a difficult decision for many students. The decision you make about whether to pursue FA or FSc sets the foundation for your future career and guides you toward success in a particular field. Each group of subjects at the intermediate level provides different opportunities for further education. If you’re finding it hard to decide, a practical approach is to make a list of subjects that genuinely interest you or make you curious.

It’s important to remember that getting high marks alone doesn’t necessarily mean you’re passionate about a subject. Other factors like the time you spend on a subject or having a great teacher can influence your performance. That’s why it’s crucial to identify the subjects that truly resonate with you. At the same time, think about the subjects that you find challenging or don’t enjoy. You can eliminate those options and create a list of FA/FSc groups that include the subjects in which you excel.

It’s also important to consider that each specific group of subjects opens up different career opportunities. So, it’s a good idea to research thoroughly and learn about the potential careers associated with each group of study.

Now, let’s talk about the main options for further study after matriculation in Pakistan.

What Should I Do After Matric?

Having a matriculation degree opens up numerous career opportunities across diverse fields. Students who have completed matriculation can explore various career paths in arts, and humanities, and even consider joining the army. It’s important not to limit your higher education options to just a few choices. Vast career paths are waiting for you to discover and explore.

Best Career Option for Arts Students After Matric/O Level in Pakistan Jobs Study Options and Short Courses

Best Career Option for Arts Students After Matric

Benefits of Choosing the Right Field After Matric

Matriculation holds immense importance in a student’s life, marking a significant milestone. After years of hard work, it signifies the beginning of a new phase focused on education and career planning. For many students, this can be a challenging period as they navigate the task of choosing the right field of study. However, making an informed decision in this regard can have a profound impact on your prospects.

Opting for the Best Career Option for Arts Students After Matric offers several advantages:

  1. Focus: Choosing the right field helps you narrow down your options and concentrate your efforts on a specific area of interest.
  2. University Admission: It enhances your chances of securing admission to top universities or colleges.
  3. Career Advantage: It provides a head start in your chosen career path.

While there are no guarantees that selecting the right field will guarantee success in life, making an informed decision about your future is always beneficial. If you’re unsure about what to do after matric, take the time to read our article until the end, as we’ll help you explore and narrow down the available choices.

Matric Arts Subjects Part 1/2

1-Compulsory Subjects

General Mathematics.
General Science.

2-Elective Subjects
The students can choose any one of the following combinations

Computer, Education
Education, Islamiyat
Home Economics, Education
Education, Fine Arts

Duration of Matric with Arts

The arts stream in Matriculation spans over two years. The examination boards known as the Boards of Intermediate and Secondary Education (BISE) administer the Matric Exams in two parts: Part 1 in the 9th grade and Part 2 in the 10th grade, with separate assessments for each.

A Levels After Matric with Arts

A-Levels are qualifications that are recognized internationally and awarded by the General Certificate of Education (GCE) in the United Kingdom. While the other options we discussed earlier are overseen by Pakistani educational authorities, A-Levels follow a global standard. If you choose to study A-Levels, you will usually study three subjects, and your final exams will be supervised by the British Council.

A wide range of subjects is available in the A-Levels curriculum, catering to students interested in science, business, or humanities. You can choose subjects like physics, chemistry, biology, computer studies, business studies, economics, accounting, psychology, law, and more.

آرٹس کے ساتھ میٹرک کے بعد اے لیول

اے لیولز وہ قابلیت ہیں جن کو بین الاقوامی سطح پر تسلیم کیا جاتا ہے اور برطانیہ میں جنرل سرٹیفکیٹ آف ایجوکیشن (GCE) سے نوازا جاتا ہے۔ جب کہ دیگر آپشنز جن پر ہم نے پہلے بات کی تھی ان کی نگرانی پاکستانی تعلیمی حکام کرتے ہیں، اے لیول عالمی معیار کی پیروی کرتے ہیں۔ اگر آپ A-لیولز کا مطالعہ کرنے کا انتخاب کرتے ہیں، تو آپ عام طور پر تین مضامین کا مطالعہ کریں گے، اور آپ کے آخری امتحانات برٹش کونسل کے زیر نگرانی ہوں گے۔

It’s important to know that once you complete your A-Levels, your results need to be compared to the Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSSC) to be recognized by Pakistani universities. So, there are plenty of study options available after your matriculation exams. Whether you decide to pursue Intermediate or A-Levels, many subject choices can align with your interests. However, it’s a good idea to research each subject group, look at the syllabus, and review past papers to figure out which option is the best fit for your educational journey.

Best Diploma Courses After Matric In Arts

Diploma courses present themselves as a viable option for students seeking to generate income quickly after completing enrollment. These courses are characterized by their relatively short duration, enabling individuals to swiftly secure employment and commence earning. Various educational bodies, including the Boards of Technical Education, TEVTA, NAVTEC, and other professional organizations, offer a range of diploma programs. Upon successful completion of these programs, which typically span 2-3 years, individuals can readily embark upon their careers. Additionally, certain diploma programs provide opportunities for further higher education.

میٹرک کے بعد بہترین ڈپلومہ کورسز

فن تعمیر

سیرامک ڈیزائن


آرٹ اینڈ ڈیزائن
فنی مہارت
فن تعمیر اور ڈیزائن

ٹیکسٹائل ڈیزائن

فیشن کا انداز


پی سی بی ڈیزائننگ
زمین کی تزئین کی فن تعمیر

پرنٹ میکنگ

For those students inclined towards pursuing diploma courses in arts, educational institutes, and universities offer programs that vary in duration, ranging from 6 months to 1, 2, or 3 years.

  • Architecture: The creative and technical process of designing and constructing buildings and structures.
  • Digital Photography: The artistic practice of capturing and manipulating images using digital cameras and editing software.
  • Design: The thoughtful and intentional process of planning and crafting something unique and functional.
  • Ceramic Design: The artistic pursuit of designing and producing objects using clay and ceramic materials.
  • Calligraphy: The skilled art of writing beautifully and decoratively by hand.
  • Art & Design: A diverse field that encompasses the creation of visual expressions and functional designs.
  • Art & Craft: The hands-on creation of artistic and practical objects using various materials and techniques.
  • Architecture & Design: The combined focus on architectural principles and design concepts to create harmonious and functional structures.
  • Textile Design: The creative process of designing patterns and structures for fabrics and textiles.
  • Fashion Design: The artistic endeavor of designing and producing clothing and accessories.
  • Lapidary: The art of cutting, shaping, and polishing gemstones to enhance their beauty and value.
  • PCB Designing: The creative process of designing printed circuit boards used in electronic devices.
  • Landscape Architecture: The artistic and scientific practice of designing outdoor spaces to enhance their functionality and aesthetic appeal.
  • Print Making: The artistic technique of creating multiple reproductions of an image or design through various printing methods.

Top 62 Short Courses After Matric with Arts in Pakistan

  1. Computer Application Diploma Course
  2. Microsoft Office Certification Course
  3. Microsoft Office Training Certificate
  4. Freelancing
  5. Creative Writer
  6. Painter
  7. Production Artist
  8. Cartoonist
  9. Drawing Teacher
  10. Music Teacher
  11. Art Critic
  12. Fashion Magazine Editor
  13. Fashion Consultant
  14. Music Director
  15. Art Director
  16. Media Executive
  17. Illustrator
  18. Calligrapher
  19. Vocalist
  20. Computer Animator
  21. Multimedia Artist
  22. High Ranked Programs
  23. Architecture
  24. Digital Photography
  25. Fashion Design
  26. Fashion Management
  27. Fine Arts
  28. Fashion Marketing & Merchandizing
  29. Interior Design
  30. Art & Design
  31. Drawing
  32. Dress Designing & Dress Making
  33. Music
  34. Photography
  35. Textile Design
  36. Textile Design
  37. Technology
  38. Textile Designing
  39. Architecture & Design
  40. Art & Craft
  41. Calligraphy
  42. Ceramic Design
  43. Drafting
  44. Cutting & Sewing
  45. Embroidery
  46. Furniture Design
  47. Gemmology
  48. Gems Cutting
  49. Hand Embroidery
  50. Home Decoration
  51. Interior Architecture
  52. Jewellery
  53. Landscape Architecture
  54. Lapidary
  55. Oil Painting
  56. P C B Designing
  57. Painting
  58. Pattern Cutting
  59. Print Making
  60. Screen & Oil Painting
  61. Textile & Fashion Design
  62. Theatre Arts

پاکستان میں آرٹس کے ساتھ میٹرک کے بعد سرفہرست 62 مختصر کورسز

کمپیوٹر ایپلیکیشن ڈپلومہ کورس
مائیکروسافٹ آفس سرٹیفیکیشن کورس
مائیکروسافٹ آفس ٹریننگ سرٹیفکیٹ
فری لانسنگ
تخلیقی مصنف
پروڈکشن آرٹسٹ
ڈرائنگ ٹیچر
میوزک ٹیچر
آرٹ نقاد
فیشن میگزین ایڈیٹر
فیشن کنسلٹنٹ
میوزک ڈائریکٹر
آرٹ ڈائریکٹر
میڈیا ایگزیکٹو
کمپیوٹر اینیمیٹر
ملٹی میڈیا آرٹسٹ
اعلیٰ درجہ کے پروگرام
فن تعمیر
ڈیجیٹل فوٹوگرافی۔
فیشن کا انداز

فیشن مینجمنٹ
فیشن مارکیٹنگ اور مرچنڈائزنگ
فنون لطیفہ
اندرونی آرائش
آرٹ اینڈ ڈیزائن
ڈریس ڈیزائننگ اور ڈریس میکنگ
ٹیکسٹائل ڈیزائن
ٹیکسٹائل ڈیزائن
ٹیکسٹائل ڈیزائننگ
فن تعمیر اور ڈیزائن
فنی مہارت
سیرامک ڈیزائن
مسودہ تیار کرنا
کٹنگ اور سلائی
فرنیچر ڈیزائن
جواہرات کاٹنا
ہاتھ کی کڑھائی
گھر کی سجاوٹ
داخلہ فن تعمیر
زمین کی تزئین کی فن تعمیر
آئل پینٹنگ
پی سی بی ڈیزائننگ
پیٹرن کاٹنا
پرنٹ میکنگ
اسکرین اور آئل پینٹنگ
ٹیکسٹائل اور فیشن ڈیزائن
تھیٹر آرٹس

Computer Application Diploma Course: A comprehensive program that equips students with practical skills and knowledge in computer applications and software.
Microsoft Office Certification Course: Specialized training program focused on mastering Microsoft Office tools and earning a recognized certification.
Microsoft Office Training Certificate: Official certificate demonstrating proficiency in using Microsoft Office software applications.
Freelancing: Pursuing self-employment opportunities in various fields by offering independent services or skills.
Creative Writer: A skilled individual who uses their imagination and writing abilities to create original and engaging content.
Painter: An artist who expresses their creativity and ideas through the medium of painting, using various techniques and styles.
Production Artist: A professional who contributes to the visual elements and production aspects of diverse media projects.
Cartoonist: An artist with expertise in creating humorous or satirical illustrations or animated cartoons.
Drawing Teacher: An instructor who imparts knowledge and teaches drawing techniques and skills to students.
Music Teacher: An educator who shares musical knowledge and instructs students in playing instruments or singing.
Art Critic: An individual who analyzes and evaluates artwork, providing insightful commentary and interpretation.
Fashion Magazine Editor: A professional responsible for overseeing the content, direction, and quality of a fashion magazine.
Fashion Consultant: An expert who provides guidance and advice on fashion-related matters to individuals or businesses.
Music Director: A person who leads and coordinates musical performances, such as those in orchestras or choirs.
Art Director: A creative professional responsible for the visual design and aesthetic direction of artistic projects or productions.
Media Executive: A manager or executive involved in the planning and execution of media-related activities and strategies.
Illustrator: A talented artist who creates visual representations and designs for various media, such as books or advertisements.
Calligrapher: An artist skilled in the art of decorative handwriting or lettering, creating beautifully crafted scripts.
Vocalist: A singer who specializes in performing vocal music, showcasing their singing abilities and talent.
Computer Animator: A skilled professional who uses computer software to create visually captivating and animated content.
Multimedia Artist: An artist who combines different forms of media, such as graphics, audio, and video, to create interactive and engaging content.
High Ranked Programs: Prestigious and highly regarded educational programs or courses known for their quality and reputation.
Architecture: The discipline and profession involved in designing and constructing buildings and structures.
Digital Photography: The art and technique of capturing and editing photographs using digital technology and equipment.
Fashion Design: The creative process of designing and producing unique and stylish clothing and accessories.
Fashion Management: The business and strategic aspects of the fashion industry, including marketing, operations, and brand management.

Fine Arts: The study and practice of various visual arts disciplines, such as painting, sculpture, and drawing.
Fashion Marketing & Merchandising: The promotion, advertising, and selling of fashion products, involving market analysis and retail strategies.
Interior Design: The art and science of enhancing and designing interior spaces for functionality, aesthetics, and user experience.
Art & Design: An expansive field that encompasses various artistic disciplines and design practices, offering diverse creative opportunities.
Drawing: The act of creating visual representations on paper or other surfaces using lines, shapes, and shading techniques.
Dress Designing & Dress Making: The process of designing and creating garments and dresses, involving pattern-making and sewing techniques.
Music: The art form that involves creating and performing sounds and melodies through instruments, vocals, or electronic means.
Photography: The art and skill of capturing and creating images using a camera, including composition, lighting, and editing techniques.
Textile Design: The creative process of designing patterns, structures, and motifs for textiles and fabrics.
Textile Design Technology: The application of technological tools and techniques in the field of textile design.

Architecture & Design: The integration of architectural principles and design concepts in creating functional and aesthetically pleasing structures.
Textile Designing: The artistic and technical process of creating innovative and appealing designs for textiles and fabrics.
Art & Craft: The creation of artistic and practical objects using various materials and techniques, emphasizing creativity and craftsmanship.
Calligraphy: The art of decorative handwriting or lettering, creating visually appealing and stylized written forms.
Ceramic Design: The art of designing and creating objects using clay and ceramic materials, exploring form, texture, and glazing techniques.
Drafting: The technical skill of creating detailed plans, drawings, and blueprints for architectural or engineering purposes.
Cutting & Sewing: The skill of precisely cutting fabric and stitching pieces together to create garments or textile items.
Embroidery: The art of embellishing fabric or materials with decorative designs using needle and thread or yarn.
Furniture Design: The process of designing and creating innovative and functional furniture pieces, considering aesthetics and ergonomics.
Gemology: The scientific study of gemstones, including their identification, classification, and evaluation.
Gems Cutting: The specialized skill of shaping and faceting gemstones to enhance their brilliance, clarity, and value.
Hand Embroidery: The art of decorating fabric with intricate and handcrafted designs using needlework and various stitching techniques.
Home Decoration: The process of planning and arranging interior spaces in residential settings for aesthetic and functional purposes.
Interior Architecture: The design and arrangement of interior spaces, combining architectural principles, aesthetics, and functionality.
Jewelry: The art of creating decorative items such as rings, necklaces, bracelets, or earrings using precious metals and gemstones.
Landscape Architecture: The design and planning of outdoor spaces, considering natural elements, environmental sustainability, and aesthetics.
Lapidary: The art of cutting, shaping, and polishing gemstones and minerals to enhance their beauty and value.
Oil Painting: The technique of creating artwork using pigments that are suspended in oil, resulting in vibrant colors.
PCB Designing: The process of creating and designing printed circuit boards used in electronic devices.
Painting: The act of applying paint or pigments to a surface to create images, using various techniques and styles.
Pattern Cutting: Creating and cutting patterns for garments or textiles, ensuring proper fit and assembly.
Print Making: The artistic technique of creating multiple reproductions of an image or design through various printing methods.
Screen & Oil Painting: The combination of screen printing techniques with oil painting, creating unique and textured visual effects.
Textile & Fashion Design: The integration of textile design and fashion design, combining innovative textile techniques with garment creation.
Theatre Arts: The study and practice of various aspects of theater, including acting, directing, stage design, and production.

Study Options after Matric for Arts Students

After completing matriculation with arts subjects, the students can continue their studies further in the following study areas. All of these following study options can prove to be helpfull for Best Career Option for Arts Students After Matric.

آرٹس کے طلباء کے لیے میٹرک کے بعد مطالعہ کے اختیارات

ایف اے جنرل سائنس: جنرل سائنس گروپ تین اہم مضامین پر مشتمل ہے: ریاضی، شماریات اور معاشیات۔ یہ مضامین بہت قیمتی ہیں اور ان کی بہت زیادہ اہمیت ہے۔ اگر آپ اپنے پسندیدہ کالج میں جنرل سائنس گروپ میں داخلہ حاصل کرنے سے قاصر ہیں تو پریشان نہ ہوں۔

FA General Science:

The general science group consists of three important subjects: Mathematics, Statistics, and Economics. These subjects are highly valuable and have a lot of significance. If you’re unable to get admission to the general science group in your preferred college, don’t worry. You can consider getting admission to a college with lower admission requirements. Remember that this combination of subjects carries a lot of importance and is in high demand. 

ایف اے جنرل سائنس:
جنرل سائنس گروپ تین اہم مضامین پر مشتمل ہے: ریاضی، شماریات اور معاشیات۔ یہ مضامین
بہت قیمتی ہیں اور ان کی بہت زیادہ اہمیت ہے۔ اگر آپ اپنے پسندیدہ کالج میں جنرل سائنس گروپ میں داخلہ حاصل کرنے سے قاصر ہیں تو پریشان نہ ہوں۔ آپ کم داخلے کی ضروریات والے کالج میں داخلہ لینے پر غور کر سکتے ہیں۔ یاد رکھیں کہ مضامین کا یہ مجموعہ بہت اہمیت کا حامل ہے اور اس کی بہت زیادہ مانگ ہے۔


  • In the first year of I.COM, you will study subjects like Principles of Accounting, Principles of Economics, Principles of Commerce, and Business Mathematics.
  • In the second year, the subjects include Principles of Accounting, Commercial Geography, and you can choose between Computer Studies or Banking, along with Statistics.

I.COM is a favored choice for students interested in pursuing a career in commerce or banking. It serves as a pathway to various degrees such as BCOM, BBA, and BS in different fields. Additionally, it’s worth noting that I.COM is also taught in Urdu, making it accessible for students who may find English academically challenging.

ICS with Math Stat and Computer:

ICS is an excellent choice, particularly for students aspiring to become software or hardware engineers in the future. It opens the doors to the world of IT (Information Technology). This is the Best Career Option for Arts Students After Matric. However, it’s important to note that if you struggle academically, it might not be the best option for you, as these subjects require your complete focus and attention. Alternatively, you can consider selecting one or two subjects from Mathematics, Statistics, Economics, and Computer Science in the basic FA (Faculty of Arts) program. The ICS program consists of the following subjects.

  • Statistics
  • Mathematics
  • Computer Science

ریاضی کے اعداد و شمار اور کمپیوٹر کے ساتھ ICS

یہ ایک بہترین انتخاب ہے، خاص طور پر مستقبل میں سافٹ ویئر یا ہارڈویئر انجینئر بننے کے خواہشمند طلباء کے لیے۔ یہ آئی ٹی (انفارمیشن ٹیکنالوجی) کی دنیا کے دروازے کھولتا ہے۔ تاہم، یہ نوٹ کرنا ضروری ہے کہ اگر آپ تعلیمی طور پر جدوجہد کرتے ہیں، تو یہ آپ کے لیے بہترین آپشن نہیں ہو سکتا، کیونکہ یہ مضامین آپ کی مکمل توجہ اور توجہ کے متقاضی ہیں۔ متبادل طور پر، آپ بنیادی FA (فنون کی فیکلٹی) پروگرام میں ریاضی، شماریات، معاشیات، اور کمپیوٹر سائنس میں سے ایک یا دو مضامین کو منتخب کرنے پر غور کر سکتے ہیں۔

FA Humanities:

In the simple FA program, students are required to select three subjects. You have the freedom to choose one subject according to your interests, while the remaining two should align with the demands of the job market. Here is a list of important subjects along with their significance.

ایف اے ہیومینیٹیز
سادہ ایف اے پروگرام میں، طلباء کو تین مضامین کا انتخاب کرنا ہوتا ہے۔ آپ کو اپنی دلچسپیوں کے مطابق ایک مضمون کا انتخاب کرنے کی آزادی ہے، جبکہ باقی دو کو جاب مارکیٹ کے تقاضوں کے مطابق ہونا چاہیے۔

Social Sciences:

Social Sciences or Arts programs are a great option to consider. Although there is a common misconception that Arts students are not as bright, Social Sciences programs offer excellent career opportunities in fields like Management, Economics, CSS, and more. The scope of these programs is vast, and the career prospects can be even better than those in science subjects. Art students can pursue FA in arts or I.Com to explore business-related courses.

سماجی علوم
سوشل سائنسز یا آرٹس پروگرام غور کرنے کے لیے ایک بہترین آپشن ہیں۔ اگرچہ ایک عام غلط فہمی ہے کہ آرٹس کے طلباء اتنے روشن نہیں ہوتے، سوشل سائنسز کے پروگرام مینجمنٹ، اکنامکس، سی ایس ایس، اور بہت کچھ جیسے شعبوں میں بہترین کیریئر کے مواقع فراہم کرتے ہیں۔ ان پروگراموں کا دائرہ وسیع ہے، اور کیریئر کے امکانات سائنس کے مضامین سے بھی بہتر ہو سکتے ہیں۔ آرٹ کے طلباء کاروبار سے متعلقہ کورسز کو تلاش کرنے کے لیے آرٹس یا I.Com میں ایف اے کر سکتے ہیں۔


it is a good subject choice for students interested in becoming economists. A Master’s degree in Economics can open up job opportunities in this field.


Highly recommended, leading to MSC Mathematics, a sought-after degree.

Computer Science:

Useful subject, not as challenging as mathematics, and opens up various future opportunities.


Similar to mathematics, suitable for those inclined towards it and offers a bright career path.


Recommended for CSS aspirants, despite the challenge of remembering dates.


Good for aspiring lawyers, politicians, or lecturers in Pakistan studies and political science.

Fine Arts:

Only for students with a natural inclination towards becoming an artist.

Home Economics:

Important for girls, to cover essential household skills.

Islamic Studies (Elective):

An obligation to gain maximum knowledge about our religion.


In a society influenced by the English language, mastering it through English literature can lead to employment opportunities.


A professional subject, with potential for future careers as psychiatrists, particularly suitable for girls.

Physical Education:

Suitable for students with natural talent and an interest in becoming physical instructors.


A good-scoring subject, especially for girls and those interested in a teaching career.

Advanced Urdu:

A suitable choice for students with a strong command of Urdu, interested in poetry, writing, or becoming a lecturer.


A scoring subject, but with limited market demand.


A challenging subject with lower competition and limited opportunities.


Useful subject, though with lower market demand.


Despite low market demand, it explores logic and reasoning, offering answers to inner and outer world questions.

Islamic History:

An easy and high-scoring subject.

Punjabi or Regional Language:

High-scoring subjects but with limited practical utility.

Job Areas for Arts Students After Matric in Pakistan

Pakistan Army
Pakistan Rangers
Pakistan Navy
Pakistan Air Force
PAK Private Industry
Mobile Repairing
Own Business
Online Business
Goods Delivery
Manufacturing Industry

پاکستان میں میٹرک کے بعد آرٹس کے طلباء کے لیے ملازمت کے علاقے

پاک فوج
پاکستان رینجرز
پاکستان نیوی
پاک فضائیہ
PAK پرائیویٹ انڈسٹری
موبائل کی مرمت
اپنا کاروبار
آن لائن کاروبار
سامان کی ترسیل
پیداواری صنعت

Career for Low-Income Families Students After Matric in Arts

In Pakistan, there are abundant study and career opportunities available for students in various circumstances. For those who cannot afford to attend regular classes at universities or colleges, distance learning programs provide a viable alternative. These programs enable students to pursue their studies from the comfort of their own homes, eliminating the need for travel to campus. Students can enroll in distance learning programs through online or offline providers, granting them flexibility and accessibility in their educational journey.  We are providing some Best Career Options for Arts Students After Matric in Pakistan.

  1. Content Creator: A profession in visual content creation allows individuals to utilize their artistic skills to produce eye-catching visuals like logos, advertisements, and website graphics using innovative software and design principles. It’s the Best Career Option for Arts Students After Matric.

  2. Online Copywriter: Online copywriting entails crafting written content for websites, blogs, and promotional campaigns. It provides a remote working option, making it suitable for low-income families who may face transportation challenges.
  3. Social Media Strategist: As businesses increasingly rely on social media, the demand for professionals who can manage their online presence has grown. Social media strategists curate engaging content, interact with followers, and analyze data to optimize marketing strategies.
  4. Customer Support Specialist: Many companies seek customer support specialists to address customer inquiries, resolve issues, and offer assistance. This role can serve as a foundation for career growth within the customer service sector.
  5. Event Planner: Event planning involves organizing and overseeing various aspects of events like weddings, conferences, or fundraisers. An event planner is the Best Career Option for Arts Students After Matric. Strong organizational skills and attention to detail are essential, and this profession offers opportunities for creativity and client interaction. 

Career for Low Marks Students After Matric in Arts

  1. Data Entry Operator: A profession of a data management specialist involves efficiently organizing and managing data in various computer systems, ensuring accuracy and attention to detail.

  2. Office Assistant: Administrative support coordinators offer valuable assistance in office environments by managing documents, coordinating schedules, and providing support with essential office tasks.
  3. Retail Associate: Sales associates play a crucial role in retail establishments, assisting customers, conducting sales transactions, and maintaining inventory. This career path presents opportunities for growth and advancement within the retail industry.
  4. Delivery Driver: Pursuing a career as a logistics associate involves working as a delivery driver for local businesses or courier services, responsible for the timely and efficient delivery of goods and packages.
  5. Hospitality Staff: The service industry offers entry-level positions such as hotel front desk clerk, housekeeping staff, or restaurant service assistant. These roles provide hands-on experience and opportunities to develop customer service skills in a hospitality setting.

Questions About Best Career Option for Arts Students After Matric

What do I want to do after I complete my matric?

  • Continuing Education: Pursuing further education after high school is a common path for many individuals, with a focus on applying to universities or colleges to expand their knowledge and skills.
  • Full-Time Employment: Opting to work full-time without pursuing higher education immediately after high school is another option for individuals seeking to enter the workforce and gain practical experience.
  • Gap Year: Taking a gap year before committing to work or a specific course of study allows individuals to take a break, explore personal interests, gain new experiences, and recharge before making long-term commitments.

Can I do a level after matric?

Equivalent Educational Levels: To provide clarification, Matric typically refers to grades/classes 9-10, while A Levels correspond to grades/classes 11-12, offering advanced studies and specialization in various subjects.

Can a girl join Pak Army after matric in arts?

To join the Pakistan Army, individuals must be unmarried, either male or female, and meet age requirements between 17-23. Additionally, a minimum of 60% marks in English, Science, and Arts subjects is necessary for application. So both males and males can join the Pak army after matric in arts.

Which subject is best with arts?

The Arts stream offers a diverse range of subjects, including Economics, History, Political Science, Geography, Sociology, Philosophy, Psychology, Computer Science, Hindi, Regional languages, etc. Various career paths are available, such as Law, Literary Studies, Journalism, and Hotel Management, among others. These subjects are very important for Best Career Option for Arts Students After Matric.

Is a level harder than FSc?

A Level is an advanced educational level after O-levels/Matriculation, administered by Cambridge International Examinations. It is a two-year program that offers rigorous studies, building upon the foundations of previous education.

اگر آپ کے پاس کوئی سوال ہے تو ہمارے کمنٹ سیکشن میں شامل ہوں۔

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